Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Diagnosed with Breast Cancer should your treatment be Tamoxifen or Chemotherapy ? A Geonomics test will answer this question

Diagnosed with Breast Cancer should your treatment be Tamoxifen or Chemotherapy ? A Geonomics test will answer this question

Hybrid Medical Analytics asked genetics or geonomics. Genetics is the study of how inherited Cancer traits that are passed from one generation to the next through your genes. New genetics traits appear by way of genetic changes. These traits may be characteristics like eye or hair color.

A predisposition to certain types of diseases can be passed through your genes, such as the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes which normally help control cell growth.

A person who inherits an altered version of the BRCA1 and-or BRCA2 gene(s) has a higher risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. If someone in your Family has Breast Cancer you can get a genetic tests for BRCA1 and BRCA2.

When a Breast Cancer Patient is Diagnosed as a high-risk Breast Cancer patient they should get a genomic test. A genomic test looks at groups of genes and how active they are. This activity can influence how a cancer is likely to grow and respond to treatment.

Hybrid Medical Analytics uses our Electronic Science Notebooks to identify 21 genes in a patient’s breast tumor to understand how these genes interact and influence the tumor’s behavior, contribute to the development of a cancer cell and its progression from a localized cancer to one that grows uncontrolled and metastasizes.

Oncologist can you this information to better understand whether breast cancer patients are likely to benefit from treatments such as tamoxifen or certain chemotherapy regimens, or whether those patients are likely to experience a recurrence of their cancer.

Hybrid Medical Analytics Area of Research

* Breast cancer
* Endocrine system cancer
* Gastrointestinal cancer
* Genitourinary cancer
* Gynaecological cancer
* Haematological cancer
* Head and neck cancer
* Neurooncology
* Paediatric oncology
* Thoracic oncology
* Sarcoma
* Skin cancer
* Epidemiology, cancer prevention, and cancer control
* Supportive care
* Imaging
* Health-care systems

Friday, January 22, 2010

What would you do if you had a Baby and found a Tumor on his chest and had no health Insurance

What would you do if you had a Baby and found a Tumor on his chest and had no health Insurance ? Your Baby would most likely have Neuroblastoma Cancer. Once Diagnosed with
Neuroblastoma Cancer the good news is that experimental treatment significantly improved progression-free survival in patients with neuroblastoma at high risk for recurrence.

Neuroblastoma Cancer develop from cells of the sympathetic nervous system, A Clinical trial that is showing promise is a study that treatment of high-risk neuroblastoma of the ch14.18 monoclonal antibody. 90% of kids in this study live to 5 years.
The Goal here is to stimulate glycolipid (GD2) force the immune system responded.

The trial used standard therapy, which includes intensive chemotherapy, surgery, and a stem cell transplant, followed by radiation therapy.

Hybrid Medica
l Analytics is a leader in stem cell R&D with our Lab eNotebook.

Hybrid Medical Analytics
Area of Research

* Breast cancer
* Endocrine system cancer
* Gastrointestinal cancer
* Genitourinary cancer
* Gynaecological cancer
* Haematological cancer
* Head and neck cancer
* Neurooncology
* Paediatric oncology
* Thoracic oncology
* Sarcoma
* Skin cancer
* Epidemiology, cancer prevention, and cancer control
* Supportive care
* Imaging
* Health-care systems

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hong Kong: Hybrid Medical Analytics Algorithm - Drugs Treatments that kill Breast Cancer Stem Cells has shown Promise

Hong Kong: Hybrid Medical Analytics Algorithm - Drugs Treatments
that kill Breast Cancer Stem Cells has shown Promise

Hybrid Medical Research Base Protocol stem cell transplantation for the treatment of advanced and early-stage breast cancer is shown promise when adding Collaborative Technology Mythologies to the process. The treatment of high-dose chemotherapy with transplantation as apposed to treatment with more standard doses of chemotherapy.

When pointing Hybrid Medical Algorithm to breast cancer patients with four or more lymph nodes positive for cancer and who are at high risk of recurrence of Breast Cancer have received the best results. These Women are treated with high-dose chemotherapy with granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) to stimulate white blood cell production.

Our Oncologist Clients are driven by the fact that more than 75 percent of the women who had heard of high-dose chemotherapy with transplant said they would very likely consider this form of treatment if faced with a decision about breast cancer treatment.

Hybrid Medical CIO Reports that Breast Cancer Stem Cells Treatments are here to stay.

Hybrid Medical Analytics Area of Research

* Breast cancer
* Endocrine system cancer
* Gastrointestinal cancer
* Genitourinary cancer
* Gynaecological cancer
* Haematological cancer
* Head and neck cancer
* Neurooncology
* Paediatric oncology
* Thoracic oncology
* Sarcoma
* Skin cancer
* Epidemiology, cancer prevention, and cancer control
* Supportive care
* Imaging
* Health-care systems

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hereditary Cancer Syndromes BRCA1 shows Concerns about Whole Body Scans in Breast Cancer Patients Kids

Hybrid Medical Analytics CIO Reports that Hereditary Cancer Syndromes BRCA1 shows Concerns about Whole Body Scans in Breast Cancer Patients Kids.

The names BRCA1 and BRCA2 stand for breast cancer susceptibility
gene 1 and breast cancer susceptibility gene 2.

Five percent of the Uninsured Americans is Radiosensitive. One percent of the five percent carry the BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancer genes.

Scanning technology reveals detailed images of breasts, genitalia,
surgical implantsa. In less-developed nation might adopt backscatter scanning technology and fail to keep their scanners calibrated.

Test for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations look for
changes in BRCA1 and BRCA2 DNA and changes
in the proteins produced by these genes.
Hybrid Medical
Analytics Recommend that if you have family member with a history of breast and/or ovarian cancer,ask your Physician to test for BRAC1 and BrcA2.

Hybrid Medical Analytics Area of Research

* Breast cancer
* Endocrine system cancer
* Gastrointestinal cancer
* Genitourinary cancer
* Gynaecological cancer
* Haematological cancer
* Head and neck cancer
* Neurooncology
* Paediatric oncology
* Thoracic oncology
* Sarcoma
* Skin cancer
* Epidemiology, cancer prevention, and cancer control
* Supportive care
* Imaging
* Health-care systems