Hybrid Medical Analytics it is a New Day in Breast Cancer.
The question is which targeted Breast Cancer Therapy is best for a individual Patients. Is Genomics the Anwser ?
Hybrid Medical Analytics CIO Reports when Researchers sequence the genomes of 14 triple-negative breast cancer patients with tumors that have progressed despite multiple therapies Breast Cancer patients have a new way to extend life.
The triple-negative tumors make up nearly 20% of breast cancers and do not respond to standard targeted therapies.
In Hybrid Medical Partners Clinical Trials Scientist study both Tumors and Healthy Tissue Sequenced. Then Scientists collaborate on the development using informatics from Hybrid Medical Analytics software that is used with whole genome sequencing. What Scientist in clinical trials Attempt to show how one new drug can be safe and effective for hundreds of people.
Hybrid Medical eLab Notebooks Genomics uses sequencing data from one individual to evaluate which anticancer drugs could be most effective based on normal and tumor genetic makeup
Our Clinical Trial Partners are showing a 80% effective rate using the Genomics Science approach
Hybrid Medical Analytics Area of Research
* Breast cancer
* Endocrine system cancer
* Gastrointestinal cancer
* Genitourinary cancer
* Gynaecological cancer
* Haematological cancer
* Head and neck cancer
* Neurooncology
* Paediatric oncology
* Thoracic oncology
* Sarcoma
* Skin cancer
* Epidemiology, cancer prevention, and cancer control
* Supportive care
* Imaging
* Health-care systems