Saturday, April 17, 2010

Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Analytics eNotebook CIO Reports a 47% Increase in Ex Vivo Activation

Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Hybrid Medical Analytics eNotebook CIO Reports a 47% Increase in Ex Vivo Activation of Peripheral Stem cell. Hematopoietic or blood stem cell transplants are also
called bone marrow transplants.

Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) are procedures that restore stem cells that have been destroyed by high doses of chemotherapy and/or
radiation therapy. There are three types of transplants:

  • In autologous transplants,is where Breast Cancer patients receive their own stem cells.

  • In syngeneic transplants,is where patients receive stem cells from a identical twin.

  • In allogeneic transplants, patients receive stem cells from their brother, sister, or parent.
  • A person who is not related to the patient (an unrelated donor) also may be used.

Hybrid Medical Analytics is a leader in unrelated donor Stem Cells
The primary use for BMT and PBSCT is to minimize any damage to blood stem cells from Breast Cancer treatment, these stem cells from the bone marrow are removed and preserved before patients receive chemotherapy.
The stem cells are then re-infused into the patient after chemotherapy where they migrate to the bone marrow and begin producing new blood cells.

After the stem cell transplantationentering the bloodstream, the stem cells travel to the bone marrow, where they begin to produce new white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in a process known as “engraftment.” Engraftment usually occurs within about 2 to 4 weeks after transplantation.
Doctors monitor it by checking blood counts on a frequent basis. Complete recovery of immune function takes much longer, however—up to several months for autologous transplant recipients
and 1 to 2 years for patients receiving allogeneic or syngeneic transplants. Doctors evaluate the results of various blood tests to confirm that new blood cells are being produced and that
the cancer has not returned. Bone marrow aspiration (the removal of a small sample of bone marrow through a needle for examination under a microscope) can also help doctors determine
how well the new marrow is working.

If you have a relative that can not find a Stem Cell match contact Hybrid Medical Analytics Inc

Hybrid Medical Analytics Area of Research

* Breast cancer
* Endocrine system cancer
* Gastrointestinal cancer
* Genitourinary cancer
* Gynaecological cancer
* Haematological cancer
* Head and neck cancer
* Neurooncology
* Paediatric oncology
* Thoracic oncology
* Sarcoma
* Skin cancer
* Epidemiology, cancer prevention, and cancer control
* Supportive care
* Imaging
* Health-care systems

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