Saturday, February 5, 2011

Toil Genomics DNA Blood Test for a Breast Cancer Cure shows promise for Women with The HER-2 Gene

February 5, 2011 By Robert Graham Reporting ---- Dallas Texas NFL Super Bowl Weekend -----< Business--Wire>
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women
worldwide. Targeted therapies for treating breast cancer have helped to reduce the death rate, according to results from Hybrid Pharmaceutical clinical studies.

Approximately 30% of malignant breast cancers demonstrate overamplification of the human epidermal receptor type 2 (HER2) gene. HER-2 can be resistant to low-doses of anthracycline-based

The Good News is that science has advanced. Sections of microarray provide targets for parallel in situ detection of DNA, RNA and protein targets in each specimen on the array.
The better News is that Genomics is on the Clock.

Genomics provide a faster cheaper more effective way to detect
the Her2 gene by using Semiconductor Sequencing. A example of
this technique is Hybrid Pharma Semiconductor Sequencing.
"Quantum Theory" In Action for Breast Cancer Patients.

A polymerase is an enzyme whose central function is associated with polymers of nucleic acids such as RNA and DNA. The primary function of a polymerase is the polymerization of new DNA or RNA against an existing DNA or RNA template in the processes of replication and transcription. In association with a Hybrid Pharma Panoincell qX also uses a Visualize Real-Time Breast Cancer Data using Signal Stochastic Resonance Units Neurons Detection
and Analysis for Breast Cancer model after McCulloch-Pitts.
Panoincell qX computer-assisted diagnosing of breast cancer from mammograms. How Panoincell qX works is a genetic network simulation trained with tumor incidence data from knockout experiments.

Hybrid Pharma Panoincell uses Semiconductor Sequencing Chips that create a direct connection between Biochemical and digital information, bringing these two languages together. Hybrid's chips are designed like any other semiconductor chips.

Pairing proprietary semiconductor technology with sequencing
chemistry a nucleotide is incorporated into a strand of DNA
by a polymerase, a hydrogen ion is released.

Hybrid Pharma used a high-density array of micro-machined wells for bioctechnology process in a massive way. Each well holds a different DNA template. Beneath the wells is an ion-sensitive layer and beneath that a proprietary Ion sensor.

HER2 in many patients respond differently. Genomics can be the GPS to Extend life in Breast Cancer Patients.

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