Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What With DNA You can store an Entire Hospital of Patients’ Data in a Device The Size of your Thumb

Robert Graham Ph.D. Reporting From MD Anderson Hospital Houston Medical Center Houston, Texas
What With DNA You can store an Entire Hospital of Patients’ Data in a Device The Size of your Thumb
Yes it is true scientist and molecular biologists have long known that DNA is a nat
ural information-storage system inside every cell that encodes the recipe for individual heredity. Electronic Medical Records are now is going to be an important part of our lives. The exact order of the DNA bases—which for the average person is a sequence of about three Houston Please Join Us ---- billion—determines the meaning of the biological instructions stored in genes and chromosomes. DNA contains genetic instructions written in a simple but powerful code made up of four chemicals called bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T). Gennxeix Biotech Chief Science Officer pointing out to us in a interview at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas that the Harvard researchers started with the digital
version of the book, which is composed of the ones and zeros that computers read. Next, on paper, they translated the zeros into either the A or C of the DNA base pairs, and changed the ones into either the G or T. Then, using now-standard laboratory techniques, they created short strands of actual DNA that held the coded sequence—almost 55,000 strands in all. Each strand contained a portion of the text and an address that indicated where it occurred in the flow of the book. In that form—a viscous liquid or solid salt—a billion copies of the book could fit easily into a test tube and, under normal conditions, last for centuries. Gennxeix science officer says that they are going to do their best to be the first to commercialize this technology. In addition to doing research on DNA storage Gennxeix Biotech is now a reseller of Ion Proton™ Sequencers. Ion Proton™ sequencers, are designed to sequence an entire human genome in a few hours for under $1,000, and can be used to accelerate its research on the genetic mechanisms of breast cancer. The Ion Proton™ Sequencer is a complementary platform to the Ion PGM™ Sequencer, which
has become the fastest selling benchtop sequencer with the largest benchtop next-generation sequencing install base in laboratories worldwide. The Ion PGM™ System remains the fastest and most affordable solution to sequence sets of genes, small genomes and small RNA. The new Ion Proton™ System will deliver rapid, inexpensive sequencing to scientists focused on understanding the function of exomes, transcriptomes and human-scale genomes. There is a growing need for genetic counselors, physicians and other health care providers who are informed about genetics, and electronic support systems to provide
Brought To You By gloStreamaccurate and current information about risk variants. Although patience is said to be a virtue, it is a commodity that many patients cannot afford, since there is much demand for an immediate clinical return on investment in genomics research. However, biology and health care systems are complex, and it is unrealistic to expect that the march of clinical progress will accelerate at the same rate as technological advances. That said, the advances described in the second Genomic Medicine review series show that genomics has made great strides toward improving human health.

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